Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dr. Bleep at the BENT Festival 08'

Came across this thought i share it Dr. Bleep at The Bent Festival
Dr Bleep Live

Live Weekly Show of Alphacore

Live Every Thursday from 21:00-23:00 GMT

Sounds of Alphacore @ Electro-Music Radio

Playing Live ruby coding, fractal and other forms of computer generated Music

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Geophonic Music

Today I learned about a new genre called Geophonic Music
which is the art of converting geodata such as weather temperature data into musical compositions you can learn more at

I Came across this Link After reading the forums at one of the best forums for
experimental and computer based music

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wolfram Tones Site

This is a Great Site for generating Wolfram Tone Compostions Allowing for instant song changes graphics of your compostion and even allows users to share email and save them in midi format for future remixing compositional possibilities

Wolfram Tones